Monday, August 22, 2011

And Lo, There Came A Ridiculous List....

What's up, folks? Casey Thomasson, here, starting up the patent pending McGuffin and MacGuffin blog, named after the (unreleased) podcast that Nate Adams and I record from time to time. Hey, maybe we'll even publish them here for your listening pleasure (pleasure not guaranteed)!

Hopefully this will become a place where you can read (or hear!) Nate and I expound on any and all topics that we find interesting, from geeky stuff to... well, let's be honest, that'll probably be most of it.

My first undertaking in this grand experiment will be a challenge that I've posed to myself: Naming, ranking and justifying my Top 20 Movies of All Times! No real reason, just a bit of fun for me and, hopefully, you!

So check back in the next day or two for my #20 pick, and feel free to tell me how wrong I am for including/omitting whatever movie that you revile/adore. Huzzah!

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